Winslow Township High School
Winslow Township High School

College Acceptances

News & Announcements

News and Announcements

WTHS Spring Musical- Mamma Mia!

March 27 ,28, 29 at 7:00pm
Sarah Gordy Auditorium
Tickets Online

Winslow Township High School T.V. Production of "Piece By Piece" Screening at Garden State Film Festival - March 29, 2025

We would like to congratulate Mr. Norm Ingram and his T.V. Production Program for being selected as a finalist in this year’s Garden State Film Festival. Their award-winning film “Piece By Piece” will be screening at Asbury Lanes in Asbury, NJ on Saturday, March 29, 2025, between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Please secure tickets by scanning the QR Code on the attached flyer or you can go to

Senior Class of 2025 - Cap and Gown Information

** The Deadline has been extended to March 27th. Graduating Seniors must have a cap and gown to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.
Please click the click to see full details.

Parent Teacher Conference

Congratulations to the Boys Indoor Track and Field Team for winning the Group III South Sectional Championship!

On Friday, February 7th the Boys Indoor Track the won the Group III South Sectional Championship!
Dominic Bassey 1st place in the 400, and 2nd place in the 800
Jayden Poteat 1st place in the 55 dash and 2nd place in the 400
Karon Ali 4th place in the 55 dash and 3rd place in the 400
Kris Jackson 5th place in the 55 meter hurdles
Vinnie Perri 5th place in the mile
David Duran 5th place in the 800
Julian Rich 2nd place in the 3200
Dominic Bassey, Prince Owsu-Tuwn, Karon Ali and Jayden Poteat won the 4x400

The team scored 70 points to second place Delsea with 64.
On February 22nd we travel to Toms River for the State Championship. If you are free, come out and watch these young men compete.

Congratulations to the Girls Track Team for winning the Group III South Jersey Sectional Title.

The ladies put on a show outscoring 2nd place Ocean City 106-75.
Jasmine Jackson - 1st place 400 & 55H, 3rd place 55 meter dash
Cinniya Robinson 2nd place 400-meter dash
Amariah Arango - 4th place 400, 2nd place 800
Ma'Syiah Brawner 1st place HJ, 2nd place 55H
Justice Green 4th place 55 H
Ava Millner 4th place 800
Olivia Okaro 2nd place 55 meter dash
Tammy Ellis 5th place 55-meter dash
Chantina Walker 7th place HJ
Brook-lynn Roberts 2nd place SP
Nyla Williams 3rd place PV
4x400 1st place team of Olivia Okaro, Adaiah Arango, Tristan Hughes and Leeya Joseph

WTHS TV Production is Finalist in Philadelphia Youth Film Festival

The WTHS TV Production team is proud to announce that its documentary, "Piece by Piece," has been named a finalist in the Philadelphia Youth Film Festival. The student-created work will be featured in the festival's awards program and screened on Saturday, February 22, 2025, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. From a pool of around 300 films and screenplays submitted by high school-age students throughout the world, 25 entries were named as official and local selections, and 14 entries were selected as finalists in 4 distinct categories (narrative, documentary, experimental, and screenplay). All finalists and selected films will be available for screening through the festival's Virtual Screening Room during the week prior to the festival, and finalists will receive a first, second, or third place award, which will be announced at the awards show. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the festival which is free and open to all high school students and their invitees. Those unable to attend in person are invited to join for the Talk to the Filmmakers Panel, which will take place from 12:30-1:00 PM EST. Registration for virtual or in-person may be completed via the following link:

February Newsletter

NJGPA Information- All current 11th Grade Students

WTHS Girls Indoor Track Team Wins 7th Straight NJSIAA Indoor Group 3 Relay Championship

Congratulations to the WTHS Girls Indoor Track Team for winning their 7th Straight NJSIAA Group III Indoor State Relay Championship. The team scored a total of 69.50 points (the highest score in state relay history)! Congratulations again to Coach Brown and the entire WTHS Girls Track Team...We are Winslow Proud of you!

Course Selection Information for Upperclassmen

Course Selection Information for Incoming 9th Graders

Shilo Garnett and Cassandra Juarez have been accepted into the 2025 All Eastern Honors Choruses!

Winslow Township High School is thrilled to announce that two of our outstanding students - Shilo Garnett and Cassandra Juarez (both class of 2025) - have been accepted into the 2025 All Eastern Honors Choruses! Their selection was based on their New Jersey All State Chorus audition scores, and they were chosen to represent New Jersey in this prestigious ensemble featuring students from Maine to Virginia.
As members of the All Eastern Choruses, they will be preparing music in advance, and then traveling to Hartford CT on Thursday, April 24. They will rehearse with the chorus throughout the weekend, and the experience will culminate with a performance on Sunday, April 27 at 11 AM in Hartford.

January Newsletter

WTHS December Newsletter

Click the link to see everything that is happening at Winslow Township High School!

How to purchase School Pictures- Grades 9 -11.

Please use the link inside which will take you directly to the Lors Photography web page.

College and Career Readiness Night - Presentation Information

Congratulations to the WTHS Football Team - 2024 Group IV State Championship Football Team!

The WTHS Football Team defeated Phillipsburg 35-0 on Wednesday, December 4th to be crowned the 2024 Group IV State Champions! Congratulations Eagles!!

Congratulations to the WTHS Cross Country Team!

Winslow Township Boys Cross Country had their best team average in the 5K in school history and the second highest team finish at Group III South Sectionals.
Winslow Township Girls Cross Country also ran one of the best team averages in school history and Ava Millner qualified for the State Championship for the third year in a row, a first for a Winslow Township cross country runner.

Two WTHS students are accepted into the 2025 South Jersey Chorus!!

We are thrilled to announce that two of our fine Winslow Township High School singers - Shilo Garnett, grade 12, and Aleesia Charles, grade 9 - have been accepted into the 2025 South Jersey Chorus.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Mar 26
Mar 28
Mar 29

Featured Media

  • Cover photo of the 2023 NFL Film Competition Champion album

    2023 NFL Film Competition Champion

Principal’s Message

Mr. Kurtis Marella
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Harassment, Intimidation
and Bullying

Mr. Dion M. Davis,

District Anti-Bullying
(856) 767-2850 Ext. 7521

Ms. Carrie Norlin,

Anti-Bullying Specialist
(856) 767-1850

Ms. Mackenzie Collins,

Anti-Bullying Specialist
(856) 767-1850