Winslow Township High School
Winslow Township High School
New Student Information
New entrants must register at the Winslow Township High School.

Registration phone number
Registration Hours: 9:00 am – 11:30 am and 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Refer to District web site: Under parent information tab select registration
  • Required documents listed- to complete registration
  • Forms can be down-loaded and completed prior to registration to expedite registration

Once registration is complete student will be given information on reporting to the high school
  • Meet with a counselor to review report cards and/or transcript, and other school records. Testing may be required during initial meeting. (Bring a copy with you to aid in efficient scheduling)
  • Select classes / develop a schedule
  • When school is in session be given a tour of the building, assist in getting a locker, and ID card