Winslow Township High School
Winslow Township High School
News and Announcements

NJGPA Information- All current 11th Grade Students

February 3, 2025

Dear parents of 11th grade students,

This letter is to inform you that all students in the 11th grade will participate in the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA). On September 8, 2021, the State Board of Education adopted a new Graduation assessment requirement. The new regulations comply with State statute and require, as a prerequisite for graduation, all students to demonstrate proficiency by achieving a passing score on the English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics components of the NJGPA.

The assessment format will be familiar to students, as it will be delivered on the same platform students use for the current New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA).

If, after completing the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment, a student does not demonstrate proficiency on the ELA or Mathematics section, the student will be eligible to take the following steps:

  • Retake the NJGPA.
  • Meet a designated cut score from an alternate assessment.
  • Complete a portfolio appeal to be submitted to the NJDOE during Senior year.


To be clear, a student may only be eligible for the options above if they have participated in the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in ELA and Mathematics. Additionally, the State has eliminated the ability to “opt-out” of testing. Failure to participate in the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment will result in your child not being eligible to graduate.

Winslow Township High School will administer the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment for the Class of 2026 from March 10th through March 14th. The assessment consists of two 90 minutes testing units each for ELA and Mathematics. During this testing period, the high school will operate on its normal day schedule and NJGPA testing will begin promptly at 7:19am.


Kurtis Marella,
